Saturday, February 5, 2011

Naperville IL Doctor. Autoimmune Reactions in Chronic Fatigue: You Need To Take A Closer Look?

Autoimmune Reactions More Common In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Then Once Thought: Why Not Take A Closer Look? Dr. Richard Hagmeyer, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue specialist in Naperville Illinois, explains:

Over the years more and more research is showing  that CFS and Fibromyalgia can be linked to autoimmune conditions. It is now widely accepted, that the immune system of individulas suffering with chronic rheumatism, myalgia, muscular rheumatism, fibrositis, myofibrositisspinal irritation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Polymyalgia,  is not normal.

Their immune system has gone haywire. In many cases the immune system will begin attacking itself, called an autoimmune Reaction. Fibromyalgia is the diagnosis doctors give when autoimmune symptoms develop at the same time the patient suffers from sore joints, painful muscles, disturbed microcirculation, chronic fatigue, impaired immunity, sleep disorders, and a reduced level of energy. (Lancet, 1992).They may not be labeled with a specific autoimmune disease, but the abnormal shifts in the immune system are there. The Autoimmune Reactions are there, and you can measure them, if you you have a doctor who know what tests to run. Functional Medicine is extremly helpful for peopel suffering with Chronic health conditons.

Armed with the proper knowledge there is something that can be done to naturally balance and treat the immune system. This proper knowledge can only come via the proper lab tests. Chronic Fatigue patients should not be without hope. The reason they still suffer is that most likely no doctor has taken the time to fully investigate and realy look at the immune system.

At the Naperville institute for NeuroMetabolic Solutions, in Naperville, Il , we take a "Big Picture Comprehensive Approach," when we evaluate chronic Fatigue patients.

We look specifically at the cytokines, which are proteins the immune system communicates with, to see if the immune system is imbalanced. We also look at the specific populations of lymphocytes. Normally only the total White Blood Cells are looked at, but it is possible to look at the natural killer cells, B Cells, Cytotoxic T Cells, T-Helper Cells, and T-Suppressor Cells. This gives us incredibly detailed information about the immune system that can aid us in normalizing the immune system.

We also look at blood sugar regulation, gastrointestinal function, hormone balance, brain and nervous system function, and metabolic function. Chronic Fatigue is a complicated condition, which is the reason most patients don't get the help they need in the traditional medical model. After we have stepped back, looked at the Big Picture, and really see the functional imbalances in the immune system, hormone system, gastrointestinal system, and brain and nervous system, we can employ very specific natural strategies. Huge turn-arounds are possible.

The approach we take at the Naperville Institute for Neuro Metabolic Solutions is a big jump outside the box, but it is the only kind of approach that is going to help such a complicated and multifaceted condition such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

If you suffer with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and would like to see how the unique approach taken at the Naperville Institute for Neuro Metabolic Solutions can help you, call 630-718-0555. 

If you have questions or want to learn more about our program, or Receive a Free Fibromyalgia Report 

If you would like to apply to our Neuro-Metabolic Solutions Program, then CLICK HERE to learn how you can apply.


Naperville IL Doctor Explains The Connection Between Fibromyalgia, Insomnia and Adrenal Stress

Adrenal Stress Syndrome: A Major Cause of Insomnia

Many people have sleeping problems in our active society. If you are not convinced of this, just pay attention to late night television and count how many commercials are for the latest insomnia medication. Unfortunately these medications do not address the actual dysfunction, the underlying cause. They don't ask the question WHY? additionally, these medications often carry heavy side effects, and are not tolerated well with most people. 

Many times insomnia is directly related to blood sugar imbalances, in particular to adrenal function. The adrenal glands are two small glands located above the kidney, which secrete hormones that help the body stabilize blood sugar.

A common pattern we see clinically with patients that have adrenal hyper-function (overactive) is an inability to fall asleep. With adrenal hypo-function (under-active), the symptom is exactly opposite, they can fall asleep, but not stay asleep. Therefore both hyper and hypo adrenal function can impact insomnia.

With the first pattern, the adrenal hypofunction patient, the body does not have enough cortisol to maintain blood sugar levels throughout the evening fasting period (we all go through a typical 8-10 hour fast when we sleep). As blood sugar levels drop during the night, the body goes into a stress response, and without adequate cortisol to bring blood sugar levels up, the body releases norepinephrine and epinephrine to try to stabilize blood sugar. These are stimulatory hormones that will wake the person up during the night. This is the person who seems to wake up, wide awake, at the same time every night.

The second scenario, the adrenal hyper-function patient, will cause the person to have higher than normal cortisol levels at bed time. This will cause the person to not be able to fall asleep due to the excitatory nature of cortisol on the nervous system.

In either case it is important to look at all the factors that contribute to adrenal dysfunction. A sleeping pill will never fix the problem in this scenario, and this scenario is common. The brain's ability to regulate the circadian rhythm of cortisol, food sensitivities, lifestyle factors, mental stress, emotional stress, and many other things can contribute to the problem.
There is no one size fits all treatment for this syndrome but we have been very successful helping those with adrenal stress syndrome and insomnia using our Comprehensive, All Natural, Functional Approach, to this modern day plague called adrenal stress syndrome. There is a lot of outdated approaches to treating this syndrome. If the treatment you are considering includes cortisol or DHEA replacement...turn and run.

This is not going to fix the problem. Remember, always ask what is the mechanism? The replacement approach throws that question in the trash, and doesn't try to restore proper function and feedback loops.

In you suffer with insomnia and would like to see if it is caused from Adrenal Stress Syndrome, call the Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions, at 630.718.0555. 

Some simple tests will allow us to determine the source of the problem, and then we can create a custom plan to get you sleeping again. 

If you would like to apply to our Neuro-Metabolic Solutions Program, then CLICK HERE to learn how you can apply.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Naperville IL Residents Find Fibromyalgia Recovery Program a huge Success.

New updated Report That Will End The Suffering Caused by  Fibromyalgia. 

Ending The Fibromyalgia Nightmare!

The name, Fibromyalgia, means pain in the muscles and the fibrous connective tissues (the ligaments and tendons).

Here's the Shocker! 

This "name or label - Fibromyalgia" is only a symptom of this condition.  Fibromyalgia IS NOT a muscle problem - it is a neurological problem and is due to parts of the brain malfunctioning (particularly the cortex, brain stem, and mid-brain), as all the latest research has shown (and there is a lot of it now).  The muscle pain (myalgia) is only an effect - not a cause.

Let me explain....

You (or someone you know) may be experiencing moderate or severe fatigue with a lack of energy, decreased exercise endurance, or the kind of exhaustion that results from the flu or lack of sleep/insomnia. Sometimes the fatigue is more of a problem than the pain. Headaches, especially tension and migraine headaches, are common in Fibromyalgia. Abdominal pain/digestive problems, bloating, alternating constipation/diarrhea, bladder spasms, and irritability may cause urinary urgency or frequency. Your skin and blood circulation can be sensitive to temperature changes, resulting in temporary changes in skin color.

Nausea, dizziness, inability to put thoughts into words, "foggy" feeling in head/slow mental reactions, sensitivity to sound and light, fast heart rate or heart "skips a beat", loss of strength and coordination, and on, and on.

And If You've Been Suffering... 

With any of the above symptoms for a few months, a few years, or too many years to mention? Some may suffer only minor symptoms, while others (perhaps you or a loved one) feel the debilitating affects of Fibromyalgia and are kept from participating in their life, their family, or even the ability to hold a job, making even simple daily activities almost impossible.

 Fibromyalgia is a neurolgical problem and if you want to get better you need to understand a little about the brain.

Fuel and Activation Are Two Things Your Brain Need to not only Survive but Thrive.

Fuel... your Brain needs fuel in the form of oxygen and Glucose
Activation... your Brain needs proper stimulation

Now fibromyalgia sufferers not only have the above neurological/brain problems, they also usually have Metabolic Imbalances which include:
  1. Nutritional deficiencies
  2. Food sensitivities
  3. Blood sugar problems
  4. Infections:  bacterial, yeast, or viral or Parasite
  5. Severe hormone imbalances
  6. Toxicity
  7. Inflammation
You will not find a fibromyalgia program around that addresses all of these components. This is the Big Picture, this is our NeuroMetabolic Program.

All of these issues must be checked and addressed at the same time ALONG WITH the neurological issues, or any treatment will FAIL!

Have your past treatment failed? If so, you now know why! the "Big picture" was not addressed. Learn more about the "Big picture" and our Neurometabolic Program here.

Imagine how different your life would be if you were free from the burdens that your Fibromyalgia causes you.

Learn more about Dr Hagmeyer NeuroMetabolic Program that is helping Fibro sufferers recover and feel good again. Find out what makes us different here

If you haven't downloaded a copy of our Free Report, that goes through our Brain based and Metabolic approach to treating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue you can request a copy by visiting us at

Set up your appointment today and get back to life!

Yours For Better Health Naturally,
Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions
Naperville, IL
Dr Richard Hagmeyer