Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fibromyalgia More Than A Muscle Problem – The cause behind the Mental sluggishness, The Sleepless Nights and the FibroFog

Fibromyalgia More Than A Muscle Problem – The cause behind the Mental sluggishness, The Sleepless Nights and the FibroFog

Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C., discusses the Neurological, Brain-Based Treatment for Fibromyalgia

 Lets face it, there is NO QUICK FIX to Fibromyalgia. Anyone who is telling you that its simple problem has either not treated Enough Patients or does not understands the mulitple causes and symtoms of Fibromyalgia and chronic Fatigue.

With that being said however, that DOES NOT mean that you have to be trapped in a body filled with Pain, Fatigue and misery. 

The latest research shows that Fibromyalgia is not a Muscle Problem it is a Nerve Problem. That’s not to say that the muscles are not affected, its just that the muscles are not the problem.
So what makes our Fibromyalgia treatment approach different at the Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions?
What do we do, or look at, that every other doctor just brushes over?

The newest research, and there’s a whole lot of it, shows that the cause of fibromyalgia symptoms, in most cases, is an electrical imbalance in the brain; not only a chemical imbalance.  Now in scientific terms, this is called a “functional disconnection syndrome.”
It’s like this: Think of the nerves in your body as the wiring system, your brain sends trillion of signals from the brain to the body over this advanced network of wires. These wires or nerves can breakdown, become twisted or even stretched and crushed by surrounding vertabrae.
When this happens these stretched distorted nerves can’t send signals to the parts of the body and the body begins to breakdown.
The wiring is there, it’s not cut, it's not seperated, it’s just that the juice is not running at 100 percent.  It’s an electrical imbalance.  Now, although this is really well documented in literature, very few doctors or practitioners have any idea what this thing is, or how to accurately diagnose it…or even how to treat it. 
In Fibromyalgia, this Functional Disconnection Syndrome can affect multiple areas of the spine where the nerves exit through little openings and multiple areas of the brain brain.

Depending on the part of the brain or lobe of the brain will determine the symptoms. Some of the most common areas of the brain include;
  • Parietal Lobe
  • Frontal lobe
  • Temporal lobe
  • Cerebellum
  • Brainstem
The neurologist probably looked at the function of some of these areas, but then completely brushed over them.

If you have the desire to get better, you have to look at things from a function perspective.
In practice treating hundreds of Fibromyalgia patients over the years I can tell you that the subtle findings are often the most important. I will also tell you that it takes time to heal and you need to truly have the desire to get well!

Once we have uncovered what part of the brain is dysfunctional we will evaluate a person from a metabolic standpoint. Metabolically we will want to look at things like gut function, immune function, blood sugar levels, vitamin deficiencies, Food sensitivities, Inflammation, Hormones, and intestinal and stomach infections. There is no other approach more comprehensive than the one taken at our office.

Whats Next?
From there a specific course of non-invasive brain based rehabilitation, also referred to as brain based therapy, can be devised to strengthen and balance the two hemispheres of the brain.

Customized Nutrition based on Advanced BioMedical Testing, is MUST For Fibromyalgia and CFS.
We never guess about our patietns health. I would suspect if you have tried other doctors and you didnt get well, it was becasue they prescribed nutritonal products to you without testing your or with out looking at the big picture. Once we have tested someone and know whats wrong, we then combine that with a specific and customized nutritional program and detoxification program for our Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers.

Are you getting more an more pills, stronger meds?
Are the number of symptoms starting to develop increasing?
Is your Doctor Listening to you?
Did you ever think to yourself that there must be something wrong in the brain (the bodies control tower?)

If you answered YES to any of these questions, request our Fibromyalgia Recovery Report  right now.


If you haven't downloaded a copy of our Free Report, that goes through our Brain based and Metabolic approach to treating fibromyalgia, you can request a copy by visiting us at www.DrHagmeyer.com

You Can Download it by clicking on the Report Picture to your left.
If you would like to apply to our Neuro-Metabolic Solutions Program, then CLICK HERE to learn how you can get on the fast track for healing. You can also call our office at 630-718-0555.

1 comment:

  1. Really great and very useful information you have posted here. Blood pressure, heart rate, the entire endocrine system which controls hormone production are all implicated and involved during stress reactions.Stress appears to be a very large facilitating factor for people who become the unfortunate ones to develop Chronic fatigue syndrome.
