Is our Program Right For you?
How Does It Work?
Every new client we work with begins with a case review and phone consultation. Please fill out the Short questionaire here.

Once you have completed the short questionaire, One of our New Patient Care Coodinators will contact you to set up your Free Phone Consultation. This is a great time for you and Dr Hagmeyer to get accquainted and find out if you will be able to work well together. We view this as a relationship!
You may call our office at any time to schedule a complimentary phone consultation with Dr. Hagmeyer. At the conclusion of your Free phone consultation, If Dr. Hagmeyer feels you would be good candidate for our Neuro-metabolic Fibromyalgia Recovery program, we will email you our comprehensive case history, dietary & nutritional questionnaire.
This will allow us to learn everything about your case and your history. We will also review all of your previous labs, blood work, xrays, MRI, Brain Scans, etc.

These must be received prior to your scheduled evaluation. This allows us to have adequate time to review your case prior to your scheduled phone appointment. This makes our time together extremely efficient and productive for you.