Friday, June 10, 2011

What Your Doctor Doesnt Want You to Know About Fibromyaliga. Naperville IL. Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Fibromyalgia is a thief that is robbing you of living a happy, full, healthy life. Many patients have told me that it is like living with the flu 24/7. We have a Revolutionary drug free approach for fibromyalgia! 

I am here to tell you that there is NEW HOPE, thanks to OUR DRUG-FREE and NATURAL APPROACH!

Our approach is revolutionary in that it addresses the SOURCE of Fibromyalgia Disorders by using advanced lab measurements and a comprehensive functional brain-based protocol!

We are one of the only clinics in Naperville, IL to use a combined functional Metabolic and Neurological protocol that deals with the TRUE causes of Fibromyalgia. And it is Tremendously successful.
  • Are you tired of running from doctor to doctor only to play "Russian Roulette" with different medications and supplements? "Here try this drug, that didn't work? Try this one!"
  • Are you tired of taking drugs that don't fix the problem?
  • Are you tired of taking nutritonal supplements that dont work?
  • Are you tired of trying to navigate through whats true and whats not true?
  • Do you continue to struggle with chronic pain and fatigue day in and day out?

If you answered YES to any of these questions and you're tired of running from doctor to doctor without results and you want someone that is going to get to the TRUE CAUSE of your problem, then it is important that you get a free copy of Dr. Hagmeyer's Fibromyalgia Report and Video.

Sherol was told by her "Doctor" that there was nothing that could be done to help here. Listen how she proved them all wrong and what she's doing about it.

If this sounds like something you want to Learn more about, get my Free Fibromyalgia Report Here.

If you want to schedule a Case Review Click here.


Dr Hagmeyer can be reached at 630-718-0555.


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