Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fibromyalgia Treatment Here In Naperville IL NeuroMetabolic Solutions

The 7 Fibromyalgia Recovery Mistakes that might be making

Your Life Miserable…

Your body aches…your fatigued and tired…you can’t sleep, your body goes through periods of alternating constipation and diarrhea, and your head feels "fuzzy". Here are 7 common mistakes that patients and doctors make that result in YOU, as the patient, suffering more and longer than necessary, and there is no reason for you to suffer at all. This guide will be a valuable treasure on your road to Reversing Your Fibromyalgia.

You’ve been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia so NOW WHAT?

As you seek answers and solutions to bring your body back to where it should be…where it once was…

1. The truth is…your body is sick.

When you first got diagnosed you may have been happy to finally have something to call it, a name to refer to your symptoms by. It’s scary having symptoms that nobody can explain. It leaves you with angst and worry. Your mind wonders if there is some underlying process that is more serious, and when you finally get that fibromyalgia label you let out a sigh of relief.

Soon you probably realized that this fibromyalgia label did not lead to a straight forward treatment or solution.

A diagnosis that gives a set of symptoms a name, but does not lead to a solution is not helpful. If you are not careful every single new symptom you have will be attributed to your ‘fibromyalgia’ and therefore not explored properly. You need a doctor who will explore all of the specifics of how your body is truly functioning, from a

So if you have already been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, then don’t get stuck in that trap where everything is now ‘fibromyalgia.’
You still deserve to be cared for, taken seriously, and respected.

Don’t let a fibromyalgia diagnosis be the excuse for doctors to just brush everything off, and stop looking for answers.

What commonly happens is that when no simple explanation can be found for your symptoms?..... you get labeled with fibromyalgia.

big picture, functional approach.

Accepting ‘Fibromyalgia’ As The Label For All Of Your Symptoms

You can request a Free Fibromyalgia Recovery report by Calling 630.718.0555

Monday, May 9, 2011

Naperville IL, Autoimmune Reactions in Chronic Fatigue: When To Take A Closer Look? Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions Naperville IL Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Dr. Richard Hagmeyer, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Doctor in Naperville, IL explains:

It is well documented and accepted, that the immune system of a Fibro or Chronic Fatigue patient is not normal. Essentially their immune system has gone haywire. In many cases the immune system will begin attacking itself, called an Autoimmune Reaction. They may not be labeled with a specific autoimmune disease, but the abnormal shifts in the immune system are there. The Autoimmune Reactions are there, and you can measure them, if you look at the right tests.

This proper knowledge can only come via the proper lab tests. Chronic Fatigue patients should not be without hope. The reason they still suffer is that most likely nobody looked at everything, all at once.

At the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions, in Naperville, IL, we take a "Big Picture Comprehensive Approach," when we evaluate Chronic Fatigue  Syndrome.

We look specifically at the Immune system cells such as Natural Killer cells,Lymphocytes, and cytokines as well as the CD4/CD8 ratio.

We look at the specific populations of lymphocytes. Normally only the total White Blood Cells are looked at, but it is possible to look at the natural killer cells, B Cells, Cytotoxic T Cells, T-Helper Cells, and T-Suppressor Cells. This gives us incredibly detailed information about the immune system that can aid us in normalizing the immune system.

If you have been recently diagnosed with Fibromyaliga, There is more to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue than you Think.  

What Makes The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions different? Why are we successful in our Treatment of CFS and FMS?

We look at alot of things that are missed by conventional doctos and even holistic doctors. We look at blood sugar regulation, gastrointestinal function, hormone balance, brain and nervous system function, as well as a complete metabolic function test.

Chronic Fatigue is a complicated condition, which is the reason most patients don't get the help they need in the traditional medical model. After we have stepped back, looked at the Big Picture, and really see the functional imbalances in the immune system, hormone system, gastrointestinal system, and brain and nervous system, we can employ very specific natural strategies. Huge turn-arounds are possible.

The approach we take at the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions is a big jump outside the box, but it is the only kind of approach that is going to help such a complicated and multifaceted condition such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia.

If you suffer with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and would like to see how the unique approach taken at the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions can help you, call 630.718.0555. If you have questions, Contact Us.
Get our Free Report titled "The Ulitmate Recovery Program That Will End Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Chronic Pain". Just click on the picture to your left.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Battling Fibromylagia ? CFS Fibromyaliga and Thyroid. Dr Richard Hagmeyer Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions Naperville IL

You probably haven't had your thyroid gland properly evaluated. Do you know, that there are over 30 different underlying metabolic factors that can influence your thyroid gland. You can watch a video here where I explain the 6 most common patterns here. This is extremely important for those sufferng with Fibro and CFS. It saddens me to see so many fibro, chronic pain and CFS patients not have the proper bloodwork and interpretation done on their Thyroid gland.

Our traditional Health care system screens for only 1 pattern.  I have never seen a Fibro Patient/CFS who has not had thyroid dysfunction. Much of the Success we have with Fibromyalgia patients has been hinged on a proper Thyroid workup. NOT just a TSH and T4 and T3. There are over 10 markers needed to properly evaluate Thyroid function.

I have treated thousands of Fibromyalgia patients over the years and I have yet to see a Fibromyalgia patient in which there thyroid wasn’t involved!  Think about it, your thyroid controls your body makes or does not make energy (metabolism) it HAS TO BE INVOLVED!   

One common reason that I see patients suffering from Fibromyalgia is a condition in which their thyroid is being attacked by their immune system (autoimmune conditon).  This condition is known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Most likely, your M.D. has only ordered only one thyroid test, which is TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone).  If you are lucky, maybe he has have ordered a couple more.  From your M.D.’s perspective, if your TSH level is within that very wide lab range of .35 to 5.0, you're normal, there’s nothing wrong with you!  BUT---and this is a HUGE “BUT”---the OPTIMAL LEVEL or “functional level” for TSH is 1.8 to 3.0.  So you could still be “normal” in the medical doctor's eyes but abnormal in the functional or optimal range. 

It's only when that range is above 5.5 that the medical doctor will put you on a thyroid hormone such as Synthroid or the generic, levothyroxine. 

BUT, as I mentioned, in a medical doctor's eyes, if your thyroid TSH is within .35 to 5.5 YOU ARE NORMAL! 

There is NOTHING wrong with you.  “It’s ALL in your head!”  “You don't need medication, because you don't have a thyroid problem!” 

Even though you still may have all the thyroid symptoms: extreme fatigue, hair falling out, etc., you’re NORMAL!  Well…you and I both know that you are not “normal”. If you were, you would not be suffering from symptoms! 

You could be within the “normal” TSH range of .35 to 5.0 but still be outside the optimal range of 1.8 to 3.0.  Your TSH level could be at 4.2, and that's why you're having the problem; it’s outside the “optimal” or “functional” range.  The same is true for any other of the thyroid blood tests such as Total Thyroxine (TT4), Free Thyroxine Index (FTI), Free Thyroxine (FT4), Free Triodothyroxine (FT3) and the three or four other tests that need to be run on your thyroid to get to the EXACT cause of your problem. 

In Fibromyalgia Treatment Success Secret #2, we talked about the fact that many Fibromyalgia patients have an undiagnosed autoimmune thyroid. The number-one cause of hypothyroidism in the USA is an autoimmune thyroid, and there has to be a reason why your body is attacking your thyroid. That's what we're going to address in this Treatment Success Secret.   

There are certain tests that need to be run on the thyroid--not just a TSH or a free T3 or a free T4-- there are specific antibodies called TPO and TGB antibodies.  If these antibody tests are positive, you have an autoimmune thyroid.  My guess is that your doctor has not run these two tests.

Now there are many other tests that need to be run for the thyroid, but these are the two big ones to determine if you have an autoimmune thyroid.  And if you're autoimmune, you have to find out why you are autoimmune.  Remember, I said there are two parts to your immune system, TH1 and TH2.  They need to work in balance.  If one is dominant or working harder than the other, it's usually because there's something called an active antigen.  And what is an active antigen?  It can be a parasite.  It can be a virus, bacteria, mold or fungi.  It can be a food protein, such as gluten (the protein in wheat, barley and rye) or casein (milk protein). 

Your immune system could become imbalanced because of dis-regulation due to hormonal surges and/or extreme stress.  Blood sugar problems and/or chronic inflammation and/or high cortisol levels can all cause your immune system to run amuck. This can have a profound affect on people suffering with Fibromyalgia
