Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Is Fibromyalgia an AutoImmune Disease. Dr Hagmeyer From Naperville,IL Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions

How do you know if you're autoimmune?  How do you know if your immune system is attacking your body? 
The reality is…most people already know that they're autoimmune just from the fact that they may already suffer from a current autoimmune disorder such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Sjogren's syndrome, scleroderma, and/or lupus.

Another way that people will know if they're autoimmune is that their symptoms may wax and wane.  Symptoms that wax and wane are a sure sign that you are most likely suffering from an autoimmune condition.

The third way to know if a patient's autoimmune is that they are often takig a basket full of supplements--I mean a truck-load.  I've had people bring in so many bottles of supplements it wasn't funny.  In many cases, the supplements that they are taking were actually making them worse! 

Number four…their life fell apart after they got sick.  Often for women they can tie it back to the time they began having a menstrual cycle, during pregnancy or during perimenopuase. Also, many women can tie it back to a viral infection they had years ago.

That's how they know they're autoimmune.  They've been to 12 or 15 or 20 different doctors and they have a stack of medical records sky-high, all because it's an undiagnosed autoimmune condition. 

They may develop an autoimmune condition following a pregnancy.  Usually, women are TH2 dominant in the third trimester and TH1 dominant postpartum. 

And finally, there's positive testing via specific immune panels.  Your immune system is designed to protect you.  When your immune system runs amuck, it starts attacking different parts of your body. Once you realize you have an autoimmune condition, it's important to know that you need to get checked, and you need to manage that autoimmune condition. We can help do that!

If you haven't downloaded a copy of our Free Report, that goes through our Brain based and Metabolic approach to treating fibromyalgia, you can request a copy in the form below or visit us at

Set up your appointment today and get back to life!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fibromyalgia More Than A Muscle Problem – The cause behind the Mental sluggishness, The Sleepless Nights and the FibroFog

Fibromyalgia More Than A Muscle Problem – The cause behind the Mental sluggishness, The Sleepless Nights and the FibroFog

Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C., discusses the Neurological, Brain-Based Treatment for Fibromyalgia

 Lets face it, there is NO QUICK FIX to Fibromyalgia. Anyone who is telling you that its simple problem has either not treated Enough Patients or does not understands the mulitple causes and symtoms of Fibromyalgia and chronic Fatigue.

With that being said however, that DOES NOT mean that you have to be trapped in a body filled with Pain, Fatigue and misery. 

The latest research shows that Fibromyalgia is not a Muscle Problem it is a Nerve Problem. That’s not to say that the muscles are not affected, its just that the muscles are not the problem.
So what makes our Fibromyalgia treatment approach different at the Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions?
What do we do, or look at, that every other doctor just brushes over?

The newest research, and there’s a whole lot of it, shows that the cause of fibromyalgia symptoms, in most cases, is an electrical imbalance in the brain; not only a chemical imbalance.  Now in scientific terms, this is called a “functional disconnection syndrome.”
It’s like this: Think of the nerves in your body as the wiring system, your brain sends trillion of signals from the brain to the body over this advanced network of wires. These wires or nerves can breakdown, become twisted or even stretched and crushed by surrounding vertabrae.
When this happens these stretched distorted nerves can’t send signals to the parts of the body and the body begins to breakdown.
The wiring is there, it’s not cut, it's not seperated, it’s just that the juice is not running at 100 percent.  It’s an electrical imbalance.  Now, although this is really well documented in literature, very few doctors or practitioners have any idea what this thing is, or how to accurately diagnose it…or even how to treat it. 
In Fibromyalgia, this Functional Disconnection Syndrome can affect multiple areas of the spine where the nerves exit through little openings and multiple areas of the brain brain.

Depending on the part of the brain or lobe of the brain will determine the symptoms. Some of the most common areas of the brain include;
  • Parietal Lobe
  • Frontal lobe
  • Temporal lobe
  • Cerebellum
  • Brainstem
The neurologist probably looked at the function of some of these areas, but then completely brushed over them.

If you have the desire to get better, you have to look at things from a function perspective.
In practice treating hundreds of Fibromyalgia patients over the years I can tell you that the subtle findings are often the most important. I will also tell you that it takes time to heal and you need to truly have the desire to get well!

Once we have uncovered what part of the brain is dysfunctional we will evaluate a person from a metabolic standpoint. Metabolically we will want to look at things like gut function, immune function, blood sugar levels, vitamin deficiencies, Food sensitivities, Inflammation, Hormones, and intestinal and stomach infections. There is no other approach more comprehensive than the one taken at our office.

Whats Next?
From there a specific course of non-invasive brain based rehabilitation, also referred to as brain based therapy, can be devised to strengthen and balance the two hemispheres of the brain.

Customized Nutrition based on Advanced BioMedical Testing, is MUST For Fibromyalgia and CFS.
We never guess about our patietns health. I would suspect if you have tried other doctors and you didnt get well, it was becasue they prescribed nutritonal products to you without testing your or with out looking at the big picture. Once we have tested someone and know whats wrong, we then combine that with a specific and customized nutritional program and detoxification program for our Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers.

Are you getting more an more pills, stronger meds?
Are the number of symptoms starting to develop increasing?
Is your Doctor Listening to you?
Did you ever think to yourself that there must be something wrong in the brain (the bodies control tower?)

If you answered YES to any of these questions, request our Fibromyalgia Recovery Report  right now.


If you haven't downloaded a copy of our Free Report, that goes through our Brain based and Metabolic approach to treating fibromyalgia, you can request a copy by visiting us at

You Can Download it by clicking on the Report Picture to your left.
If you would like to apply to our Neuro-Metabolic Solutions Program, then CLICK HERE to learn how you can get on the fast track for healing. You can also call our office at 630-718-0555.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Breaking Through the Fibromyalgia Sleep Problem - New Solutions ... New Treatment. Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions

Breaking Through the Fibromyalgia Sleep Problem - New Solutions ... New Treatment. Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions

Adrenal Fatigue Insomnia and the Over-firing Mesencephalon.

Are you tired of tossing and turning at night?  Do you wake up in the morning a wishing you could get another 3 hours of “good” sleep.  You are not alone!  Frustrations with poor sleep are all too common.  You may have already tried several different medications.  Sleep medications can work for a short time but they lose their effectiveness.  Sometimes medications don’t work at all…then what do you do?
If you want to know how to get to the underlying cause then you have to know the reason you can’t sleep in the first place.  Medications just don’t address the underlying problems, they at best cover up your symptoms.

There are two very common problems that can rob you of a satisfying nights sleep…

#1:  An area in the brain known as the Mesencephalon can be over firing.  This is verry common in people suffering with Fibromylagia and Thyroid Problems. The mesencephalon is a small area partly responsible for keeping you awake (don’t worry about this big word just what it does).  The mesencephalon should be firing at its highest during the day and at the lowest in the middle of the night.  If this “wakefulness” area of the brain is over-firing you will often wake up throughout the night.  Oh, by the way, those with a high firing mesencephalon often have chronic pain.  Let’s face it…when you sleep…you heal and just feel recharged.  If your brain doesn’t know how to slow down and drift into dreamland (and stay there all night), you could be facing more problems than just poor sleep.

#2:  Your Adrenal Glands (small hormone producing glands on top of your kidneys) may not be working properly.  If your adrenal glands don’t produce enough cortisol, your blood sugar can drop too low causing you to wake up. 
You can learn more about your adrenal glands here.

Many times insomnia is directly related to blood sugar imbalances, in particular to adrenal function. The adrenal glands are two small glands located above the kidney, which secrete hormones that help the body stabilize blood sugar, inflammation, immune system and hormones.
A common pattern we see clinically with patients that have adrenal hyper-function (overactive) is an inability to fall asleep. With adrenal hypo-function (under-active), the symptom is exactly opposite; they can fall asleep, but not stay asleep.

Therefore both hyper and hypo adrenal function can impact insomnia.

With the first pattern, the adrenal HYPOFUNCTION patient, the body does not have enough cortisol to maintain blood sugar levels throughout the evening fasting period (we all go through a typical 8-10 hour fast when we sleep). As blood sugar levels drop during the night, the body goes into a stress response, and without adequate cortisol to bring blood sugar levels up, the body releases norepinephrine and adrenaline to try to stabilize blood sugar. These are stimulatory hormones that will wake the person up during the night. This is the person who seems to wake up, wide awake, at the same time every night. Researchers are also finding this to be linked to depression.
The second scenario, the adrenal HYPERFUNCTION patient, will cause the person to have higher than normal cortisol levels at bed time. This will cause the person to not be able to fall asleep due to the excitatory nature of cortisol on the nervous system.

In either case it is important to look at all the factors that contribute to adrenal dysfunction. A sleeping pill will never fix the problem in this scenario, and this scenario is common. That means evaluating gut function, hormone levels, adrenal levels, thryoid function, neurotransmitters and neurological function.
Brain Based Therapy and Advanced Metabolic Testing (BBT) allows us to target and address the neurological and metabolic reasons you can’t get a good nights sleep

Download or Request Our Free Report that will help you understand more about Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Insomnia and many of the syptoms Fibro and CFS patients suffer from.  Click on the picture to your left.

Friday, June 10, 2011

What Your Doctor Doesnt Want You to Know About Fibromyaliga. Naperville IL. Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Fibromyalgia is a thief that is robbing you of living a happy, full, healthy life. Many patients have told me that it is like living with the flu 24/7. We have a Revolutionary drug free approach for fibromyalgia! 

I am here to tell you that there is NEW HOPE, thanks to OUR DRUG-FREE and NATURAL APPROACH!

Our approach is revolutionary in that it addresses the SOURCE of Fibromyalgia Disorders by using advanced lab measurements and a comprehensive functional brain-based protocol!

We are one of the only clinics in Naperville, IL to use a combined functional Metabolic and Neurological protocol that deals with the TRUE causes of Fibromyalgia. And it is Tremendously successful.
  • Are you tired of running from doctor to doctor only to play "Russian Roulette" with different medications and supplements? "Here try this drug, that didn't work? Try this one!"
  • Are you tired of taking drugs that don't fix the problem?
  • Are you tired of taking nutritonal supplements that dont work?
  • Are you tired of trying to navigate through whats true and whats not true?
  • Do you continue to struggle with chronic pain and fatigue day in and day out?

If you answered YES to any of these questions and you're tired of running from doctor to doctor without results and you want someone that is going to get to the TRUE CAUSE of your problem, then it is important that you get a free copy of Dr. Hagmeyer's Fibromyalgia Report and Video.

Sherol was told by her "Doctor" that there was nothing that could be done to help here. Listen how she proved them all wrong and what she's doing about it.

If this sounds like something you want to Learn more about, get my Free Fibromyalgia Report Here.

If you want to schedule a Case Review Click here.


Dr Hagmeyer can be reached at 630-718-0555.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Naperville IL, Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions. Sherols Fibromyalgia Testimonial

Sherol Has Suffered terribly for Years and Years with Fibromyalgia, Stomach pains, Restless Leg Syndrome, Head aches and Post Polio Syndrome.

Today has been a gift to me. I was able to vacume, Dust, clean the floors, and prepare several healthy meals and have strength left over YAHOO!!!!

Why Do I start my tetimonial this way? becasue it has been years sicne i have been able to do allthese things on my own and especially in one day. I am a widow and grandmother who for most of my life have suffered from widepspread body pain, loss of stamina, weight gain, Fatigue and restless leg syndrome. Having had  polio and Fibromyalgia these two condtions have made me miserable. These condtions have been my curse on my well being and there there have been time when I just wanted to give up.

With Dr. Hagmeyers expertise in functional medicine, and advanced chiropractic care, I no longer have the widespread pain I once had, I no longer have the debilitating fatigue, no more restless leg syndrome, I'm happier, my stomach no longer hurts and burns the way it use too and I have lost almost 30 pounds in 5 months. No other doctor has been able to help me this way. I have seen many medical doctors as well as chiropractors. But None have helped me the way Dr Hagmeyer has.

Dr Hagmeyer has given me a new lease on life!. I thank God that Finally, I have a Dr. who listens to me and doesn't just order another pill that does no good. By the way I no longer take 7 different medications daily. Is this not a real Gift and a true blessing from God? I think so!

Thanks Dr Hagmeyer!

If you are Interested in Learning More About our Fibromyalgia Treatment and Recovery program, you Can Request a Case Evaluation by Clicking Here!