Monday, February 27, 2012

Naperville Fibromyalgia Treatment. Karens Story. Dr Hagmeyer NeuroMetabolic Solutions Naperville IL

If you have suffer with Fibromyalgia Dont Give up!.

Karen suffered with Debilitating and Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Thyroid Disease, Weight gain...... no matter what she did.

Days and weeks not wanting to even get out of Bed and riddled with pain. Listen to what she says about Dr Hagmeyer, His approach and how he changed her life.

Fibromyalgia doenst need to be something that CONSUMES your life and grips you in agony and depression.

If you are ready to get well, Let us show you how!

Call our Office today for a FREE phone consultation 630-718-0555

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fibromyalgia and Acid Reflux. A Natural Remedy. Dr Richard Hagmeyer. Naperville IL

Call it acid reflux, heartburn, or GERD, but having stomach acid splash back up into your esophagus is painful and distressing. Although researchers cite various causes, one that many doctors overlook is gluten, the protein found in wheat, spelt, rye, barley, and other wheat-like grains.

Studies link gluten with acid reflux

Research shows acid reflux symptoms more commonly affect those with celiac disease, an autoimmune disease triggered by gluten. One study found 30 percent of celiac disease patients had GERD compared to less than 5 percent of those not diagnosed with the disease. Another study found almost 40 percent of children with celiac disease suffer from esophagitis, inflammation of the esophagus and heartburn.

Gluten-free diet found to relieve heartburn

Fortunately, researchers also found a gluten-free diet relieved symptoms of GERD rapidly and persistently. Some people have found they also need to give up grains, processed foods, or other foods to which they are intolerant (such as dairy) to completely relieve acid reflux.

GERD could be autoimmune

Some research shows that stomach acid is not acidic enough to immediately damage the esophagus. Instead, it triggers an inflammatory reaction within the tissue of the esophagus, causing damage.

What does gluten have to do with this? Gluten has been shown to be very pro-inflammatory in many people, and has been linked with 55 autoimmune diseases. It’s possible acid reflux could be yet another inflammatory disorder triggered by gluten.

Antacids increase health risks

Most people relieve acid reflux by taking an antacid to neutralize stomach acid, with sales of the drug topping $10 billion annually. Not only does this fail to stop stomach acid from washing back up into the esophagus (one study showed protein-pump inhibitors actually induce acid reflux), it also impairs nutrient absorption.

Antacids may increase food poisoning risk

Stomach acid is vital to the absorption of minerals and vitamins, and protects the stomach from bacteria, fungus, and infection. Chronic use of antacids has been linked to increased risk for bacterial infections, candida (yeast) overgrowth, and food poisoning.

Request my Free Guide for Eliminating The Pain Caused by Fibromyalgia.

Antacids may increase osteoporosis risk

Chronic antacid use also impairs absorption of minerals, including calcium, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Proper testing for gluten intolerance vital

With one in five people now believed to be suffering from gluten sensitivity, it’s important to know whether you are too, and whether undiagnosed gluten intolerance is contributing to heartburn.

The conventional tests to screen gluten intolerance are notoriously inaccurate. For cutting-edge testing, please contact my office at 630-718-0555 or visit us at www.DrHagmeyer for a Free Phone Consultation.

Fibromyalgia Insomnia and Brain Fog. Finaly an Explanation. Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Are you a night owl who can’t fall asleep? Do you rely on Caffeine from coffee, soda or some other caffeinated beverage, Do you rely on energy drinks? Is your spouse or significant other afraid to talk to you before you have had your coffee? If so, you may have an increased risk of developing dementia later in life.

Our “body clock,” or circadian rhythm, regulates our sleep/wake cycles.

A healthy circadian rhythm has you alert in the morning, tired at night, and able to sleep through the night. Any deviation from this spells trouble according to new reserach.

When it becomes imbalanced your risk of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other diseases increases.

Dementia and circadian rhythm share same area of the brain

The area of the brain that governs the circadian rhythm, the hippocampus, also plays a role in short-term memory and learning. The hippocampus is the first target of degeneration in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

An imbalanced circadian rhythm could point to problems in the hippocampus and an increased risk of dementia later in life.

Studies link circadian rhythm imbalance with dementia risk

A recent study found the risk of dementia was higher in older women with weaker circadian rhythms.

A 2008 study also found that tracking circadian rhythms over time could predict cognitive decline in healthy older adults.

Circadian rhythm balance goes beyond dementia

Dementia isn’t the only risk. Studies have also linked an imbalanced circadian rhythm with cardiovascular disease, weight gain, mood disturbances, constipation, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.

Are you at risk for dementia later in life?

How do you know if your circadian rhythm is off balance? Look at whether you suffer from any of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Difficulty waking in the morning
  • Not feeling rested after sleep
  • Poor or slow recovery from exercise
  • Drop of energy between 4 –7 p.m.

Preventing dementia naturally

How can you normalize your circadian rhythm and lower the risk for dementia? The answer lies largely in regulating cortisol, an adrenal stress hormone. Studies show high cortisol from physical or mental stress degenerates the hippocampus.

The stress from inflammation in particular has been shown to be associated with atrophy of the hippocampus. This has been evidenced on blood panels by higher levels of homocysteine, a telltale sign of inflammation.

Lower inflammation to prevent dementia
One of the best ways to normalize the circadian rhythm is to reduce inflammation; your diet is the first place to start.

Address food sensitivities, such as to gluten, Casein, lower the amount of starchy foods and sweets to stabilize blood sugar, optomize Thryoid function and eliminate processed foods.

Ask my office about an anti-inflammatory diet program.

Other tools I can help you with include addressing brain health and chemistry. Chronic stress can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters, brain chemicals that regulate mood and wellbeing. Have you ever noticed that when your tired you also get irritable? If so Restoring balance to neurotransmitters will help regulate the body’s clock.

Adrenal adaptogens, herbs that help modulate adrenal cortisol levels, can significantly balance the circadian rhythm and protect the hippocampus, as can liposomal phosphatidylserine.

Of course, establishing healthy sleep habits and reducing lifestyle stressors will also help lower cortisol levels and normalize your circadian rhythm.
If you suffer with Inflammation, or poor sleep, contact my office at 630-718-0555 and schedule a Free Phone Consultation. We would love to help you start feeling refreshed again.
Learn more about our Practice and Dr Hagmeyer by visiting us at

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fibromyalgia and Gluten A Dangerous Combination. How One Test Changed Three Lives. Dr Richard Hagmeyer. Naperville IL

What do these 3 patients of ours have in common? One is a 70-year old woman who suffered with epilepsy and seizures for 50 years. These came to an abrupt end within on week of stating treatment. The second is a 60-year old woman who could not stop her bone loss from osteoporosis, despite the proper diet, lifting weights, and taking bone-building supplements. Her osteoporosis and continuing bone loss reversed itself within 90 days of starting treatment. The last is a 65-year old who suffered through severe fatigue and what she called "being spacey," confused, and unable to concentrate - for more that 25 years. It all ended within one week of starting treatment.

What these three patients shared in common was that they all suffered from celiac disease and did not know it. Celiac disease occurs when your body cannot tolerate gluten - a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats.
For celiac patients, gluten breaks down the lining of the intestines, interfering with digestion and absorption - leading to multiple nutritional deficiencies. None had the classic symptoms of bloating, nausea, gas, diarrhea, constipation, or weight loss. And none had been tested for or diagnosed with celiac disease.

They all Improved simply because of a Single Test we ran. Part of that protocol was to eliminate all gluten for 30 days. Two were immediately cured, and the third felt so much better that she continued to eliminate gluten from her diet and eventually overcame incurable osteoporosis.

The moral of the story is if you suffer from any illness at all, you must eliminate gluten from your diet for 30 days, simply to test the possibility that this protein is destroying your health. Estimates are that close to 1 in 133 Americans has celiac disease, and most do not know it.

It is tough to diagnose because according to modern medicine, a biopsy of the intestinal lining is the only "true" diagnostic procedure. Of course, this is invasive, and by the time the intestinal lining is being destroyed, celiac disease is far advanced.

It is just so much better, makes so much more sense, and is classic evidence-based medicine to simply eliminate gluten from your diet and see how you feel. If you are remarkably better, biopsy or not, you have hit the nail on the head.

Prescriptions Also
These three patients all suffered from the same - somewhat unusual - underlying cause of their problems. However, for literally thousands of our other patients, we helped them find a much more common underlying cause of their problems by simply examining their prescriptions.
And the lesson here is even simpler: No matter what symptoms you have, always suspect that your prescription drugs are the underlying cause of your problem until proven otherwise.

In fact, no home should be without a drug handbook to look up prescription medications. When you find that your problems are listed as a side effect from a drug that you take, it is an obvious tip off. This is particularly true for cardiac drugs. And if you take more than two drugs, your problem may not be listed under either drug because it could be caused by the combination.

By the time you take two or more drugs, there is not a human being on the planet who can determine just what may be going on in your body as a result of the combinations and interactions. So get to your doctor to take steps to change, wean, or eliminate offending drugs to find your cure. Or even better, if you can find one, get to a private-practice pharmacist who helps people wean off drugs to solve their health problems. Thanks to a glut of super powerful prescription drugs, this is one of the hottest new fields for pharmacists.

So not matter what the symptoms, problems, or "disease" you suffer from, always remember to eliminate gluten as your potential cure - and suspect your prescriptions as the potential cause of your suffering. If you don't, your suffering can go on for years, decades, or your entire life!
Remember….Not everyone who applies is accepted into our program. We have a strict diagnostic screening and case review process that ensures that only those most qualified and most committed to following through with all aspects of our program are admitted. You can find more about our Fibromyalgia Recovery Program Here.

You can rest assured that if you are accepted into our Fibromyalgia Recovery Program, your chances of success are extremely high.

That is why we do a Complete Case Review and Neurological Examination before we accept you into our program.

Call today and schedule your case Review 630-718-0555 or schedule on line by vising us here.

Yours for Better Health Naturally,
Dr Hagmeyer

Friday, September 16, 2011

Advanced Fibromyalgia Treatment Center Located In Naperville, IL Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions. Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Advanced Fibromyalgia Treatment Center Located In Naperville, IL

Fibromyalgia is far more neurologically based than muscularly based. It’s just that your muscles feel most of the pain. Most of the Fibromyalgia diagnoses that I see come from Rheumatologists.

A Rhueumatologist, by definition, is a doctor that specializes in disorders of joints and soft tissues- not nerves. Effective Fibromyalgia treatment must include neurologically based care.
At the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions we implement a comprehensive treatment program that assesses many of the underlying metabolic underpinning to get to the root cause. We use Brain Based Therapy as well as Functional Medicine and Chiropractic. You can learn more about functional medicine and our approach here.
In this article I will bring some evidence to the table that may cause you to question whether Fibromyalgia is more of a joint and soft tissue disorder or, as I and others feel it is, a neurological disorder. And whether the Fibromyalgia treatment you had was appropriate.

The Latest research shows that a Fibromyalgia diagnosis and hence the treatment is far more likely to be of a neurological origin then a rheumatic one. The term rheumatology originates from the Greek word rheuma, meaning “that which flows as a river or stream,” and the suffix -ology, meaning “the study of.” (Which is ironic to me since nerves and blood seem to flow like a river much more than joints).

Most of my Fibromyalgia treatments are with patients who exhibit chronically fatigue. But what actually get tired is your brain. “Nerve Exhaustion” is a phrase that I feel accurately describes what happens in Fibromyalgia, Hence the name Brain Fog.

One of the unique treatment approaches I employ for fibromyalgia patients is the use of oxygen therapy. You can find out what makes The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions different here.

"In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state...low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease... Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease ." Dr. Stephen Levine , renowned molecular biologist author, Oxygen Deficiency: A concomitant to all degenerative illness.

Listen to what noted Professor of Medicine MAJID ALI, M.D. has to say about the four major symptoms of Fibromyalgia sufferers……

4 Major Symptoms of Fibromyalgia And How Oxygen Helps
  1. Persistent muscle pain and weakness. Explanation: Oxygen deprivation contributes to muscle pain.
  2. Disabling fatigue. Explanation: Oxygen deprivation in tissue can lead to fatigue and exhaustion.
  3. Brain fog (problems of mood, memory, and implementation). Explanation: Oxygen deprivation in brain cells lead to brain fog and dysfunction.
  4. Air hunger. Explanation: Oxygen deprivation within the cells causes a craving for air.
I do not take the treatment or diagnosis of Fibromyalgia lightly and you should steer clear of anyone who thinks otherwise. A recent study uncovered evidence that a Fibromyalgia diagnosis can be far more damaging than you may realize.

In The Journal of Neuroscience, a study revealed that the brain can be prematurely aging in Fibromyalgia patients. No wonder patients with Fibromyalgia feel brain fog! There loosing Brain cells.
What may be more important is that they found that the longer the individual had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, the more gray matter they had lost. This makes fibromyalgia treatment a must.

“Accumulating evidence now suggests that fibromyalgia may be associated with central nervous system dysfunction.”

The brain matter loss was more than 9 times the normal aging!

Other studies also point to a possible explanation for the decreased gray matter in these disorders. It may be atrophy caused by excitotoxicity or exposure to inflammatory processes (Apkarian et al., 2004). In reviewing the above studies it’s remarkable that in Fibromyalgia patients, gray matter loss occurred predominately in regions of the brain that are most related to stress.

Stress can be managed and I believe it MUST be managed for you to get better. The above research should be all you need to be motivated to initate action.

The road to recovery IS often long and difficult. But there IS a road to recovery. I can assure you it’s bumpy but there IS a road- you just may not have found it yet.

My grandfather once told me,

“No matter how far you’ve gone down the wrong road, turn around… it’s the WRONG road!”

If what the above mentioned studies are saying in terms of brain aging is true, then every moment that you don’t get help counts against you.
The pursuit of health should be paramount in your habits and actions. I know it’s hard, but you have Fibromyalgia, so you’ve proven you can do hard. Fibromyalgia pain is hard.
With the addition of oxygen therapy to Our Fibromyalgia Syndrome treatment protocols rate of tissue healing only increases.

If you want more information or to Schedule Your Fibromyalgia Case Review at the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions in Naperville, IL Call 630-718-0555. 

Journal of Neuroscience April 11, 2007 • 27(15):4004 – 4007

Oxygen Therapy For Fibromyalgia Patients WOW. What a Difference!. Dr Richard Hagmeyer, Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions.

 Dramatic Breakthrough In Fibromyaglia and Chronic Fatigue Treatment offered at The Naperville Insitute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions Naperville, IL 
                                                                                                        Your brain uses about 20% of all the oxygen that enters your blood from the lungs. But the brain only makes up about 2% of your total body mass.

It’s an oxygen hog.Your brain consumes and requires more oxygen than any other organ in the body. So, inherently, it’s extremely susceptible to damage related to oxygen deprivation.

I see a lot of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM). One of the most important modalities that I employ is oxygen therapy.

It can be extremely effective.

In fact, oxygen therapy for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one of the “keys” I use in managing those conditions naturally. Fibromyalgia has so many neurological components to it. The nervous system needs oxygen to function. Ignore that fact and you get sub-par results.

To make a complex concept simple, your brain and nervous system need two things to survive:


The most important forms of fuel come in the form of oxygen and glucose. You get glucose from the foods that you eat, but as we age our ability to utilize oxygen decreases. It’s called oxidative phosphorylation (scientific talk for ‘your body doesn’t utilize oxygen as effectively as it should anymore.’)

Oxygen is to the body what gas is to your car. Without gas in the car you’re not driving anywhere.

Without sufficient amounts of oxygen available for your brain and nervous system, not only can you age prematurely but many of the various treatments you attempt may not get you much better.

Oxygen Therapy                                                   Oxygen is fuel for your brain and nervous system. Your brain and nervous system need two things to survive…Fuel and activation (stimulation), Fuel comes in the form of OXYGEN and GLUCOSE. By using supplemental oxygen, you will be able to heal faster.

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)
By using exercise with oxygen therapy, we can increase the firing to the brain. This increased firing of the brain, can help patients recover from MANY chronic conditions, including Fibromyalgia.

Your brain and nervous system need two things to survive: fuel and activation. Fuel comes in the form of glucose and oxygen. You get the glucose from the food you eat BUT as you age, your ability to utilize oxygen decreases. We use oxygen to help people heal faster. It is our goal to get our patients better as fast as possible.

What does Oxygen do for the body?
• Oxygen retards the aging of human cells
• Oxygen helps relieve headaches
• Oxygen relives tiredness and fatigue
• Oxygen boosts the immune system
• Oxygen supports breathing in air in cases of asthma and allergies
• Oxygen helps in cases of depression
• Oxygen improves physical performance by up to 25%

Call our office to find out more about our Brain Based Therapy Program, Oxygen Therapy and our Functional Medicine Approach.

Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment. Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions Naperville, IL, Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Dear Friend,

Hi! My name is Dr. Richard Hagmeyer and I am a chiropractic physician unlike any you’ve ever met. Before I tell you WHY let me share some reassuring life changing information with you.

Hundreds of people in our community have suffered like for 10,20,30,40 years maybe like you and found real long-term relief from Fibromyalgia pain, Brain FogHorrible Fatigue, Insomnia, IBS using my Fibromyalgia Recovery Program. Some have even recovered completely from their fibromyalgia…and you could be next.

Fibromyalgia Recovery Is Possible with Functional Medicine and Brain Based Strengthening Therapy.

But not with the conventional methods of treatment that you have probably tried over the years. You may be tempted to click and leave thinking you’ve heard it all. Please stay with me for a few minutes and continue reading. Don’t you owe yourself a few minutes to learn about my amazing program?  You can feel good again! Its not hopeless even though sometimes it feels that way.

Listen to Sherols testimonial below.

I know you’ve probably spent countless hours of your life visiting so called ‘Fibro Specialists’ and reading some of the silly claims about a miracle supplement you need to take only to have your hopes dashed again by another hollow promise. That’s is because every other doctor, therapist, medication or healer is only attempting to ”cover up” your symptoms.

Managing your symptoms, not fixing the underlying causes. That’s just ridiculous and I’m tired of hearing that same sad story. They don’t have the specialized training, the most advanced scientific understanding of functional neurology, functional metabolic testing/analysis/treatment and functional medicine currently known. I do. They haven’t applied the right set of individualize treatments based on objective advanced testing. Because if they did, you won’t be searching for answers.

My practice implements something called functional medicine and you can learn more about it here at

I don’t treat a condition, I treat the person. And, the results are remarkable. Most people don’t believe that people can recover from fibromyalgia. Why?

 #1 They’ve been told so by every doctor, book or group they’ve ever seen that nothing more is possible. That you need to just accept it and deal with it. well that may have been true 10 or 15 years ago but its NOT true anymore. People from all over the country come to the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions for a good reason. We get results.

#2 They’ve lived with the pain for so long that even the thought of recovery seems impossible to them. So why not at least try and find a magic pill or potion that will make symptoms tolerable? You don’t have to anymore.

Is Fibromyalgia Something You Have to Live With Forever.

For some it is! But if you are reading this....... then Fibromyalgia doesn’t have to be a one way street of taking stronger and stronger medications in order to cover up the ever increasing pain and the ever increasing number of symptoms. 

How many more sleepless nights will you have to endure?

How much longer are you willing to live in constant pain while you slowly give up on enjoying your social life, hobbies, work, and family?

How bad does it need to get?

If you could get to the source of the problem, discover the underlying mechanisms, correct the metabolic and neurolgical imbalances giving the body a chance to heal naturally, you just might have a fighting chance to overcome this devestating disease.

What gives me the right to speak so boldly? Over the last 10 years, I have been working with some of the top physicians around the country in the area of metabolic and brain/nerve Therapy. By completing post-graduate studies in functional neurology, blood work analysis, endocrinology and neurotransmitter health, I have discovered and perfected treatment protocols that have created a revolution in fibromyalgia care.

This is not a cover-up treatment.

Has anybody told you what nerves need to get and stay healthy? How do you repair damaged nerves? How to get to the source of the pain and inflammation and make it stop! I am part of a select group of doctors across the country that are helping fibromyalgia sufferers using these cutting edge methods. Thousands of people have found fibromyalgia recovery possible. Will you be next?
  • Are you tired of running from doctor to doctor only to play “Russian Roulette” with different medications? “Here try this drug, that didn’t work? Try this one!” It seems like they are coming out with a new fibromyalgia medication every month only to see it fail! Bet you’ve already tried them all.
  • Are you tired of taking drugs and trying therapies that don’t fix the problem?
  • Do you continue to struggle with constant pain and chronic fatigue day in and day out?

If you’re tired of dealing with this problem and you are worried about it getting worse, order my free ground breaking report to learn how your fibromyalgia can be helped.  If you are skeptical... There is nothing wrong with that. But dont let your skepticism get in the way of somethign that could change your life forever. Should you live in the chicagoland area, you can call us at 630-718-0555 for a FREE phone consultation. We will be more than happy to share with you how our approach to Fibromyalgia, What makes us different. and how we get results. Your only a phone call away!