Friday, September 16, 2011

Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment. Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions Naperville, IL, Dr Richard Hagmeyer

Dear Friend,

Hi! My name is Dr. Richard Hagmeyer and I am a chiropractic physician unlike any you’ve ever met. Before I tell you WHY let me share some reassuring life changing information with you.

Hundreds of people in our community have suffered like for 10,20,30,40 years maybe like you and found real long-term relief from Fibromyalgia pain, Brain FogHorrible Fatigue, Insomnia, IBS using my Fibromyalgia Recovery Program. Some have even recovered completely from their fibromyalgia…and you could be next.

Fibromyalgia Recovery Is Possible with Functional Medicine and Brain Based Strengthening Therapy.

But not with the conventional methods of treatment that you have probably tried over the years. You may be tempted to click and leave thinking you’ve heard it all. Please stay with me for a few minutes and continue reading. Don’t you owe yourself a few minutes to learn about my amazing program?  You can feel good again! Its not hopeless even though sometimes it feels that way.

Listen to Sherols testimonial below.

I know you’ve probably spent countless hours of your life visiting so called ‘Fibro Specialists’ and reading some of the silly claims about a miracle supplement you need to take only to have your hopes dashed again by another hollow promise. That’s is because every other doctor, therapist, medication or healer is only attempting to ”cover up” your symptoms.

Managing your symptoms, not fixing the underlying causes. That’s just ridiculous and I’m tired of hearing that same sad story. They don’t have the specialized training, the most advanced scientific understanding of functional neurology, functional metabolic testing/analysis/treatment and functional medicine currently known. I do. They haven’t applied the right set of individualize treatments based on objective advanced testing. Because if they did, you won’t be searching for answers.

My practice implements something called functional medicine and you can learn more about it here at

I don’t treat a condition, I treat the person. And, the results are remarkable. Most people don’t believe that people can recover from fibromyalgia. Why?

 #1 They’ve been told so by every doctor, book or group they’ve ever seen that nothing more is possible. That you need to just accept it and deal with it. well that may have been true 10 or 15 years ago but its NOT true anymore. People from all over the country come to the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions for a good reason. We get results.

#2 They’ve lived with the pain for so long that even the thought of recovery seems impossible to them. So why not at least try and find a magic pill or potion that will make symptoms tolerable? You don’t have to anymore.

Is Fibromyalgia Something You Have to Live With Forever.

For some it is! But if you are reading this....... then Fibromyalgia doesn’t have to be a one way street of taking stronger and stronger medications in order to cover up the ever increasing pain and the ever increasing number of symptoms. 

How many more sleepless nights will you have to endure?

How much longer are you willing to live in constant pain while you slowly give up on enjoying your social life, hobbies, work, and family?

How bad does it need to get?

If you could get to the source of the problem, discover the underlying mechanisms, correct the metabolic and neurolgical imbalances giving the body a chance to heal naturally, you just might have a fighting chance to overcome this devestating disease.

What gives me the right to speak so boldly? Over the last 10 years, I have been working with some of the top physicians around the country in the area of metabolic and brain/nerve Therapy. By completing post-graduate studies in functional neurology, blood work analysis, endocrinology and neurotransmitter health, I have discovered and perfected treatment protocols that have created a revolution in fibromyalgia care.

This is not a cover-up treatment.

Has anybody told you what nerves need to get and stay healthy? How do you repair damaged nerves? How to get to the source of the pain and inflammation and make it stop! I am part of a select group of doctors across the country that are helping fibromyalgia sufferers using these cutting edge methods. Thousands of people have found fibromyalgia recovery possible. Will you be next?
  • Are you tired of running from doctor to doctor only to play “Russian Roulette” with different medications? “Here try this drug, that didn’t work? Try this one!” It seems like they are coming out with a new fibromyalgia medication every month only to see it fail! Bet you’ve already tried them all.
  • Are you tired of taking drugs and trying therapies that don’t fix the problem?
  • Do you continue to struggle with constant pain and chronic fatigue day in and day out?

If you’re tired of dealing with this problem and you are worried about it getting worse, order my free ground breaking report to learn how your fibromyalgia can be helped.  If you are skeptical... There is nothing wrong with that. But dont let your skepticism get in the way of somethign that could change your life forever. Should you live in the chicagoland area, you can call us at 630-718-0555 for a FREE phone consultation. We will be more than happy to share with you how our approach to Fibromyalgia, What makes us different. and how we get results. Your only a phone call away!


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